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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://taroton.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2011-11-14 22:34:10

Tarot free reading - The Star

2014-05-03 20:51:00 (читать в оригинале)

Time to pause and reflect, contemplate what's precious and what's not.
Star is about emotions, which is indicated by all the water on the card image, poured serenely by the woman. The element water represents the emotional. But these feelings lead to stillness, and the stillness leads to thoughts.
If you thought a person, it's someone who inspires reflection, making you ponder where you are in life and where you really want to go.
     If you thought an event, it's a moment when things halt so that you have time to reconsider, which you should do. Goals are questioned. So are values previously upheld. You should sit down and meditate, until you're open to completely new perspectives.

Hope and bright prospects

Тэги: free, future, past, present, reading, tarot


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