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Добавлен: 2012-01-16 12:23:49

Art Graffiti Juan Alif (Xuan Alyfe)

2012-01-09 02:39:29 (читать в оригинале)

Unfortunately, we again have failed when they tried to learn some details about the author of these extraordinary works. However, all that we can get, be sure to tell. Thus, Huang was born in Spain. 

And if it be more accurate from the town of Aviles, which is located in the north. In this city, and placed most of the work of Juan Alif (Xuan Alyfe). Although, in the nearby Gijon they also abound. Juan has its own style, looking at who can clearly see the influence of abstract painters Joan Miro and Wassily Kandinsky. Particularly clearly visible in the parallel use of fabulous and geometric compositions. The first thing that impresses and draws attention to the works of Juan - mysterious spirituality of each project. 

Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)

Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)
Арт-граффити Хуана Алифе (Xuan Alyfe)

Interesting Facts about Animals

2012-01-09 02:29:32 (читать в оригинале)

Weekends and holidays, have made us a little lazy. It's time to do a little recharge the brain. We will not ship the data stream, and just tell you some interesting facts about animals that you might not know. 

The source of the facts still remains tandem Peter Jarvis (Peter Jarvis) and Gethin Vogena (Gethin Vaughan), who originated the idea of ​​the project to create the illustrated facts. Recently we toldinteresting facts about the man , and now all the animals. 
A cow with a name produces more milk than nameless. 

Интересные факты о животных

Bloch is able to set your body acceleration is 50 times greater than the acceleration of the rocket. 

Интересные факты о животных

The largest eyes in the world of the giant squid. 

Интересные факты о животных

Drink «Coca Cola» kills insects. 

Интересные факты о животных

Among all dogs, chihuahua brain is the largest in relation to their body. 

Интересные факты о животных

Chicken is the closest relative of Tyrannosaurus rex. 

Интересные факты о животных

Pigs can suffer filth-dread (fear of smear.) 

Интересные факты о животных

Ostrich - the only birds that have bladder. 

Интересные факты о животных

The oldest organism on earth - shellfish, aged 405 years. 

Интересные факты о животных

The elephants are really afraid of mice. 

Интересные факты о животных

In the neck of a duck's more cervical vertebrae than a giraffe. 

Интересные факты о животных

Bees can not hear. 

Интересные факты о животных

Hamsters are illegal in Hawaii. 

Интересные факты о животных

An elephant can swim over 30 miles per day. 

Интересные факты о животных

Bees can fly at speeds above 24 km / hr. 

Интересные факты о животных

Beavers can hold their breath under water up to 45 minutes. 

Интересные факты о животных

In 1859, the year in Australia have been released 24 rabbits. Six years later, there were two million. 

Интересные факты о животных

Unlike cats, tigers love to swim. 

Интересные факты о животных

Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. 

Интересные факты о животных

India is allowed to marry dogs. 

Интересные факты о животных

Horses can not vomit. 

Интересные факты о животных

Among the passengers who survived the "Titanic" had five dogs and one pig. 

Интересные факты о животных

Whales begin to sink if they are under water for longer than half an hour. 

Интересные факты о животных

The man who ate a banana just more "appetizing" for mosquitoes. 


2012-01-05 19:45:24 (читать в оригинале)


  Drunk drivers cause much trouble to road users. And the best part of every year is becoming more and more. Not only that, they risk their lives so they are endangering other people. For such a need to deny the rights, if it systematically. but sometimes it happens that in extreme situations have to drive drunk, I will not give examples. But for those who constantly violates, in Russia, which allows you to come up with zakonoproekt deprive human life! And rightly so, since even on foot can not go on another. This initiative was made public organization "anti-alcohol front"

A smile of autumn:)

2012-01-05 05:04:37 (читать в оригинале)

leaves on the ground

Fall came, and so sharply colder. Such a feeling that is the end of November. Today, more rain and drizzle. Turned on the radio, and there were three consecutive songs about autumn, about unfulfilled dreams and the like. That what it is, after all, all is well, you just look around. Look at this piece of paper, as we fall smiles:)

Ping Pong Door

2012-01-05 05:02:44 (читать в оригинале)

Ping Pong Door
Wash a good idea)) on the one side of the door and the other beloved by many game)

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