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Скандинавия: путЁвые заметки
Скандинавия: путЁвые заметки
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://putevaya-scandi.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-04 12:33:38 блограйдером vspyshka

Scandinavian tattoos

2014-07-05 12:49:00 (читать в оригинале)

Talented tattoo masters from the Nordic countries impress their creations from the beginning of the XIX century. These artists created and create true masterpieces on people’s bodies!

Scandinavian tattoo artists prefer different art concepts - realism, modern, old school, etc. Sources of their inspiration - not only traditional Scandinavian motifs - the Vikings, etc., but also other themes - tribal, plants, animals and many others.

For all that tattoo masters try to accent the individuality of each customer, finding for him/her the best original decision.

You can see such tattoos on Finnish tattoo conventions: 

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Тэги: english, tattoos


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