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Скандинавия: путЁвые заметки
Скандинавия: путЁвые заметки
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://putevaya-scandi.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-04 12:33:38 блограйдером vspyshka

Swedish mix (part 3)

2016-04-09 18:05:00 (читать в оригинале)

The previous post was dedicated to the Stockholm Metro. Let’s continue our Swedish mix.

Stockholm streets and architecture

Medieval narrow streets of the Swedish capital are charming. In ancient times two horse riders could hardly pass each other. So, this city has preserved a piece of its history.

You can see a lot of old buildings prevailing in the architecture of the Stockholm City Centre. They emphasize the diversity of this European city with centuries of history. There is no dominance of commercial buildings, mutilated appearance of many cities. Neighborhoods of Stockholm with modern architecture are situated outside of the historic part of the Swedish capital.

Of course, it’s easy to find shopping centers there, but they are harmoniously integrated into the existing buildings. They attract tourists and locals with a fairy tale design and comfort for customers, including modern toilets.

Тэги: english, travel


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