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Eyes on Fremont
Eyes on Fremont
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://eyesonfremont.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-19 01:24:34 блограйдером b8122597

Customers around the Shop: Ross B.!

2014-02-21 00:06:00 (читать в оригинале)

Ross is a super cool guy for a few reasons.   First of all, he is wearing "THE TROLL in grayish", one of the newer models from our Eyes on Fremont collection. Above & beyond that, he is one of the main collaborators for the impressive design group, SURFACE THEORY. 

Ross is the man behind the magic for his team's sustainable & reclaimed wood designs. Chances are, you have enjoyed the aesthetically pleasing ambiance that his detail work contributes to in many places around the city... 

Check out his team and their notable attributes here:



Photo courtesy of Surface Theory via Facebook

Тэги: best, buy, cool, design, evil, eyes, eyewear, fight, frames, fremont, glasses, great, place, reclaimed, seattle, surface, sustainable, theory, wood


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