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Eyes on Fremont
Eyes on Fremont
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://eyesonfremont.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-19 01:24:34 блограйдером b8122597

Zoning in on the New Arrivals from C-Zone!

2014-10-31 00:10:00 (читать в оригинале)

We have many, many new frames arriving this time of year, and there is a wealth of exciting color, shape, and detail to choose from!  The first collection we want to share is one of our favorite small vendors from The Netherlands, C-Zone.

 Enjoy this inspiring preview of what we have in the store, and what's to come!

This eye candy from the fall C-Zone collection!

rich contrasts

Lots of dynamic color schemes

Innovative details on Metal include wood-panel & silk insets, Speckle paint, & textured accenting.


Cork inset on the eyewire brow line


"carved" metal with color accenting

"Pollack" style paint detail and later cut-outs on the temples!

Тэги: best, buy, c-zone, colorful, european, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fall, fashion, fight, frames, fremont, glasses, great, men's, metal, place, seattle, trends


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