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Eyes on Fremont
Eyes on Fremont
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://eyesonfremont.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-19 01:24:34 блограйдером b8122597

Getting to Know your EOF Optician: Milli

2015-03-13 22:52:00 (читать в оригинале)

Optician: Milli

How Long with Eyes On Fremont:
 4 years!  Milli has been a licensed dispensing optician since April 2011. 

Her EOF "Specialty": 
Milli actually came on board while still attending the Opticianry program at SCCC. She worked as our very first front end "greeter/host" for our busy shop days. She has a natural energy working with people partly due to her extensive background and years working in PR & Marketing for magazines. 

What defines Milli as a person: 
Milli identifies strongly with her Italian roots & a things that tend to define her culture:  Food, family, & fun! 

Clockwise, L to R: Milli's straw vacuum hat, Silver frame from MotherBaugh, Yin-yang silver necklace, family heirloom cooking spoon, "Milli" from Roger Eye Design, Vagrancy Designs sunglass, Rosetta Stone Italiano, "Welcome Giancarlo" sauce can from her 1st son's baby shower.

She is currently planning another trip to Mexico with her family: her husband and two sons, who are her inspiration & livelihood. 
She describes her sons as "day & night" but both compliment one another & bring balance to her life, much like yin & yang.  
In addition to the family dynamic, she balances duty & work with fun- enjoying music concerts with her eldest son (they went to see Eminem & Rhianna just this fall!) & warm weather family vacations every year. 
 And, there's no better way to appreciate your loved ones than with some well prepared home cooking: something she picked up from her mother (she still cooks her best dishes with her Ma's spoon). 
Just a few of the reasons that Milli has one of the sunniest dispositions of our opticians at Eyes on Fremont.

Dante, Milli, Giancarlo, & Harry

Тэги: baumvision, best, buy, coolest, design, every, evil, eye, eyes, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, love, opticians, place, roger, rosetta, seattle, stone, travel


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