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Eyes on Fremont
Eyes on Fremont
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://eyesonfremont.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-19 01:24:34 блограйдером b8122597

Getting to know your Favorite EOF Optician: Jennifer!

2015-10-09 22:17:00 (читать в оригинале)

How Long with Eyes on Fremont:

Jennifer has "graced" the front stage of Eyes on Fremont since 2011, but has been a staple in the Seattle Eyewear scene for over 2 decades! She has a lot of experience under her belt- from working alongside her father who is a long time local optometrist, to owning her own optical business, she's a local favorite in the game. She has been a licensed optician since '91... Boom!

Her EOF "Specialty": 

 Jennifer has a natural born talent that is covetable to the Optical world- a rare gift of sincerely expressing her honest style opinions while weaving in technical optical knowledge. She gets right to the point and is always on point with what style best suits every face... An oracle and inspiration bringer of glasses! On top of that, she is basically the quintessential model for the iconic cat-eye look!

What's cooking in the life of one of Seattle's Infamous Opticians:

When Jennifer isn't in the shop, dazzling & charming every person who walks in the door for a new set of cool eyewear, she is a busy kick-ass mom, wife, & kitchen aficionato! She effectively channels her Julia Child skills to keep her two daughters and husband well fed & happy, while maintaining her forever-young-at-heart enthusiasm for the music scene... a devout fan of the 80's era alternative rock scene. Yup, she was grunge before you knew grunge was cool! 
Jennifer is always planning the next sunny relaxation trip with the fam and is currently enjoying training her new puppy, Kitten!

Тэги: best, cate-eye, cool, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, local, opticians, seattle, support


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