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Eyes on Fremont
Eyes on Fremont
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://eyesonfremont.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-19 01:24:34 блограйдером b8122597

Getting to know our Newest Optician- Tony!

2016-04-02 01:13:00 (читать в оригинале)

How Long with Eyes on Fremont:

Tony is the "baby" of the EOF family, just having joined the team at the end of December 2015! He brings a wealth of experience fresh from his time in the SCCC Opticianry program & as an ABO/NCLE certified dispenser.

His EOF "Specialty": 

Tony's outgoing nature & passion for eyewear fashion makes him a lively optical frame consultant and dispenser...
his boisterous laughter is an definitely an "ice-breaker"! It's possible Tony is one of the most friendly and light-hearted opticians of our bunch! He brings a great balance of optical knowledge and enthusiasm for eyewear styling to the EOF team. 

Some of what maintains Tony's youthful attitude toward life:

One quintessential item always seen on Tony's person is a set of headphones- He loves to have tunes filling his head at all times, and most often its some form of Hip Hop.

Outside of the shop, Tony can be found "ballin"- literally, on the basketball court! Basketball is his favorite sport to play & he's even been a b-ball card collector since childhood.... 

AND, he's also a longtime fan of cars, but his love for them goes well beyond his own interests- it's a mutual passion that bonds Tony to his four year-old son.

Тэги: andy, best, buy, cool, designs, every, eyeglasses, eyes, eyewear, face, fashion, fightevil, fremont, glasses, great, local, northwest, opticians, place, seatte, seattle, shop, wolf


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