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Eyes on Fremont
Eyes on Fremont
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://eyesonfremont.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-02-19 01:24:34 блограйдером b8122597


2016-10-31 20:55:00 (читать в оригинале)

Today is twenty. 

Halloween of 1996 Stan and Linda opened Eyes on Fremont, and back when they first started Stan thought “I was just hoping to make a living for myself!”  Well Stan, mission accomplished.  The store opening changed quite a few people’s lives.  At this point sixteen people come to Eyes on Fremont and provide Seattle with “great glasses,” and they are the best team in the business.  Eyes on Fremont provides our customers with the best value of glasses in the country, and that’s coupled with frames that are as cool as it gets.  Possible because of the most incredible vendor/partners in the industry.  My best estimation is that Eyes on Fremont has sold 71,627 pairs of glasses to this point, wow!  Back when I first started edging lenses here at Eyes on Fremont, I never would have thought I would be writing this letter…but thank you Linda and Stan, thank you for starting Eyes on Fremont.  And although it’s a small, because of your foresight, hard work, and thoughtfulness, we will continue to fight the good fight…


Тэги: best, evil, eyes, eyewear, fight, fremont, optical, seattle, shop


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