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BlogRider.ru - Каталог блогов Рунета
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Адрес блога: http://designointero.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-03-04 11:09:26 блограйдером alexey1x

Free download - Glorious After Effects CS3 project

2012-02-19 16:08:00 (читать в оригинале)

After Effects Version CS3
File Size: 281mb
Resolution: 1280x720

Hey guys, this an After Effects CS3 project file. Another great animation with lots of potential uses and variable title and footage animations. Great for your website or business presentation at your office. It can be easily translated to fit any other type of promo. Neat design and sophisticated moves make it the best marketing tool for company.


ZBrush 4R2B (2012) 3D-graphics package, for use with HD-geometry [free download]

2012-02-11 14:31:00 (читать в оригинале)

ZBrush - a breakthrough in speed, efficiency and technology to create three-dimensional graphics. New tools and options provide even more convenience in every aspect of work, increasing productivity and simplifying the process of the artist's model.

ZBrush 4R2B - the only one to date, 3D-graphics package that allows you to work fine with HD-geometry. Looking for some work done in ZBrush 4, can not believe that this could create a 3D-modeler without the "Photoshop". But the fact remains. This photorealistic, without any reservations.

Name: ZBrush 4R2B
OS: Windows Vista, 7 (32-bit / 64-bit)
Year: 2012
Language: English
Medicine: yes
Size: 588.29 Mb
Download ZBrush 4R2B (2012)

Free download 3D Model Exterior - Evermotion Archexteriors Vol.05

2011-12-03 17:19:00 (читать в оригинале)

Evermotion Archexteriors Vol.05
max | textures | 3ds max 9 or higher | vray 1.5 SP2 or newest | 3.02 Gb

Free Download:

Turbobit part-1
  Turbobit part-2  
  Turbobit part-3  
  Turbobit part-4  
  Turbobit part-5  
  Turbobit part-6  
  Turbobit part-7  
  Turbobit part-8  

Plant Design & Ecosystem Functions in Vue 9 (Videotutorial to establish vegetation) free download

2011-11-28 04:51:00 (читать в оригинале)

Year: 2011
Manufacturer: asileFX
Website: http://www.asilefx.net
Author: Nicholas Pellegrino
Duration: 5h49m
Type of material distributed by the: Video Tutorial
Language: English

Plant Design & EcoSystem Functions includes nearly 6 hours of training for Vue Infinite/xStream and Photoshop, instructed by Nicholas Pellegrino from asileFX. In this training you will learn to: customize Vue plant species, create custom texture maps in photoshop, and design ecosystem functions in vue. Below you will find more information about each training topic and the lesson contents.

Free Download


Free download Leather Textures (HQ Stock Photo)

2011-11-27 14:47:00 (читать в оригинале)

Leather Textures (HQ Stock Photo)
5 SHQ JPEG | ~ 8500 x 5700 | 300 dpi | 105.3 Mб

Free Download

Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 


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