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Free House Plans
Free House Plans
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://housefreeplans.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-03-04 11:21:32 блограйдером alexey1x

Free download 1500 Best Selling Home Plans

2011-11-28 04:20:00 (читать в оригинале)

Essential House Plan Collection: 1500 Best Selling Home Plans | 438 MB (rar.)

Explore this ultimate reference containing the world’s largest collection of plans published in a single volume. With more than 1,500 plans included for homes from 1,200 square feet to greater than 10,000, this title offers readers more styles, designers, and options than virtually anywhere else.

This is the ultimate house plan reference volume, featuring over 1,500 best-selling plans of every style and size, from 30 of the world's top designers. «The Essential House Plan Collection» contains beautiful and practical designs for all styles of home, from vacation homes and cottages to urban styles and narrow-lot plans, to country farmhouses and contemporary homes. This superb volume also features full-colour photography and artistic renderings for all the designs. The definitive source for plans and inspiration, this volume will become an essential tool for builders, designers, architects, and anyone wanting to create their perfect home.

Free Download

Тэги: collection, house, plan


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