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Manga Studio EX 5.0.5 Final (2014/ENG) создание комиксов «манга»

2014-09-19 14:07:22 (читать в оригинале)


 создание комиксов манга


Компания Smith Micro выпустила новую версию продукта Manga Studio EX 5.0 , популярного набора инструментов для создания комиксов «манга». С помощью предлагаемого продукта профессиональные художники и энтузиасты смогут создавать как отдельные иллюстрации, так и полноценные рисованные истории в узнаваемом стиле.

Ключевым усовершенствованием, представленным в Manga Studio 5, является переработанный пользовательский интерфейс, который обеспечит еще более быстрый и удобный доступ к востребованным инструментам и функциям.

Разработчики также обращают особое внимание на расширенные возможности настройки рабочего пространства. В том числе художники смогут создавать собственные текстуры поверхностей и экспериментировать с формами и размерами кистей. Вниманию пользователей предлагаются более удобные и мощные инструменты для раскрашивания черно-белых набросков и усовершенствованный инструмент Air Brush. Отдельного упоминания заслуживает расширенная поддержка векторной графики и трехмерных объектов. В основе продукта лежит новый 64-битный технологический движок. Владельцы современных компьютеров смогут по достоинству оценить поддержку большого количества оперативной памяти и многоядерных процессоров.

Возможности программы
• Выбирайте из более чем 3000 скрин-тонов или создавайте свои.
• Масштабируйте без потерь качества ваши растровые изображения в векторные.
• Экспорт в широкий выбор форматов: bmp, jpeg, png, psd, tga, tiff and pdf.
• Работайте с неограниченным числом слоёв.
• Выбирайте из набора улучшенных фильтров для быстрого применения искажений и специальных эффектов для вашего рисунка.

10 Advantages Manga Studio 5 has over Photoshop:
1. Preset pen sizes that behave like real Japanese manga pens. (In Photoshop you have to set the sizes yourself and they are not specifically designed for inking and coloring.)
2. Support for pen tablets, ie Wacom, and high-quality pressure sensitivity that really mimics drawing on paper.
3. Huge variety of screen tone patterns from basic dot tones to fancy backgrounds and effects. (In Photoshop, you'd have to make/draw tones yourself.)
4. A panel tool designed specifically for comic creation. You can also make a panel extend past the bleed point as well as set the panel border thickness for emphasis to certain scenes.
5. Perspective rulers — you don't have to draw your own perspective lines like in Photoshop.
6. Premade word balloons in all kinds of styles and fully customizable.
7. Tons of included content that will speed up your comic creation process.
8. Import a variety of 3D formats. Manga Studio 5 also includes 3D characters that can be manipulated for the ideal pose.
9. Supports both raster and vector layers, and includes specific vector tools giving you amazing control.
10. Manga Studio's tools are based on real world comic and illustration tools such as inking pens, and rulers. There are many different pen tip types to choose from, unlike Photoshop whose primary design is for painting and digital editing.

SPEED UP YOUR WORKFLOW Amazing New Effects and Tools
• Amazing updates to Manga Studio make it comparable to other popular Photoshop and Painter. Manga Studio 5 provides several advancements over Manga Studio 4 to help you create a much more professional and polished look. These new advancements include new layer effects such as screen, overlay and multiply. Even brushes can now have effects of their own. User controlled anti-aliasing allows for a wider range of painting styles. New support for 3D objects and figures allows for reference and background materials.

DRAW NATURALLY Pencil and Ink Options
• Manga Studio offers more versatility and flexibility than any other application when creating manga and comics. Create original sketches using your mouse or draw naturally with a Pen Tablet. Use scans of your existing paper artwork or import images or photos for use in your manga and comic creations. Draw using a suite of familiar tools including pens, pencils, brushes and selection tools. With vector mapping technology and smart pen pressure sensing, Manga Studio gives you incredible sensation of drawing on paper. Manga Studio allows you to work on vector layers to create resolution independent images.

• Manga Studio is your all in one manga and comic creation solution. Save time and money by no longer having to use other applications to professionally color your artwork. Choose from an abundance of preset colors or create your own colors and custom color sets. The possibilities are endless! Quickly switch back and forth between colors. Blend colors naturally as if you were mixing them with your own fingers using the color blend options.

SAVES YOU TIME Create Panels in a Snap
• Easily add and customize panels for your pages, saving you the hassle of having to redraw artwork if a panel is not quite right the first time. You can also create panels of all shapes and sizes using Bezier curves.

System Requirements:

• Windows®: XP, Vista, 7 or 8
• 2 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 or equivalent
• Does not work with 64 bit version of XP or Vista
• Does not work with Windows RT

• Compatible with 32 bit and 64 bit OS
• 2 GB RAM recommended
• 2 GB free hard disk space recommended
• Graphic card with VRAM of 256MB or more and OpenGL 1.5 recommended
• XGA (1024?768) or higher, WXGA (1280?768) or higher, 16-Bit color display or higher
• Pen Tablet - FAVO, Bamboo, Intuos or Cintiq
• Internet connection required for license authentication
• DVD-ROM Drive

Год выпуска : 2014
Лекарство : в комплекте (XFORCE)
Операционная система : Windows® XP|Vista|7|8 & 8.1
Язык интерфейса : english
Размер : 396 Mb

Скачать / Download Manga Studio EX 5:





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