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Адрес блога: http://en-ukraine-travel.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

Kodak Fortress near Dnepropetrovsk

2012-03-25 03:46:00 (читать в оригинале)

Kodak fortress is a Polish fortress and is located on the right bank of the Dnieper River in one an a half kilometer from Dnepropetrovsk  in the village of “Stari Kodaky”. The name of the fortress in Turkic language means "settlement on the hill".

Kodak fortress was built in July 1635. The construction works were led by the French engineer de Boplan. The purpose of the fortress was to block access to the Black Sea and the obstruction of villagers to flee in Zaporozhye. The contemporaries gave the fortress the unofficial name “the key to Zaporozhye”.

The garrison of the fortress consisted of 200 German mercenaries, dragoons, commanded by that officer Jean Marion. In August 1635 under the command of Ataman Sulima, the Cossacks attacked Kodak fortress and destroyed it, having executed the commander and killed all the dragoons except for 15 mercenaries, who were in reconnaissance at that moment.

granite quarry on the territory of Kodak FortressIn 1639 German engineer Friedrich Getkant restored the fortress and increased its area nearly three times. On the territory of the fortress there were built Catholic Church, monastery and the Orthodox Church; the number of the garrison increased to 600 people. The firepower of Kodak fortress was reinforced by artillery and guard tower.

In September 1648 there were sent at once three Cossack regiments under the command of J. Vovchenko, M. Nesterenko, and P. Shumeyko to capture the fortress. October 1 the Kodak fortress surrendered without a fight, the fortress guns were dismantled and the very fortress has lost its purpose until 1654.

In times of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, the Kodak fortress was the outpost against the Cossacks of Zaporizhian Sich. In 1711 it was destroyed, and from 1734 to 1775 it had been a Cossacksettlement. In 1910 at the site of the former fortress there was established a memorial, and in 1940 there was created a granite quarry on the territory of Kodak, which destroyed almost the entire fortress. There have survived only a few ruins of Kodak and earth billows in the north.
Ruins of Kodak Fortress

Тэги: dnepropetrovsk, fortress, travel, ukraine


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