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Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

Donbass Arena. Donetsk stadium Euro 2012

2012-03-24 05:26:00 (читать в оригинале)

The total capacity of the stadium: 51 504 seats
2 799 seats for VIP-guests
196 places for disabled persons

1 159 seats for media representatives
45 commentary booths (3 seats in each)


The new stadium with 50 000 seats in the center of Donetsk - the first in Eastern Europe, designed and built according to the highest standards of UEFA. After receiving the accreditation of UEFA, the arena will go down in history as the first stadium of "Elite" Class in Eastern Europe. Among the eight arenas in Ukraine and Poland, which are preparing to take the final of European Championship 2012, "Donbass Arena" was first commissioned in August of 2009.

Construction of the arena lasted three years (2006 - 2009).

Architectural features

"Donbass Arena" is located within the park zone of Kiev district in Donetsk.

Sophisticated design of the stadium, which differs from other stadiums with its oval shape and glass facade, was designed by “ArupSport” Company, which created arenas of clubs Manchester City (England), Espanyol (Spain) and Bayern Munich («Allianz Arena», Germany ). Due to its unusual design decision Donetsk arena is shaped like a "flying saucer". The main feature of the stadium is the oval shape, and completely glazed facade. The roof of the arena is tilted in the direction from north to south, repeating the slope of the landscape, increasing the natural light and ventilation field. The exterior lighting of the facade allows the stadium shine at night like a diamond.

In addition to UEFA demands to modern stadiums, which correspond the unwritten rule of the three «S»: safety, security, service, customers of the building of "Donbass Arena" added another rule «S» - special atmosphere, setting a new level of comfort and service to viewers. This feeling arises from the absolute visibility of the football field from any point of spectator tribunes.

Technological innovations are also unique. First, the screens on the southern and northern tribunes, the area of each of them is almost 100 square meters - the largest screens in Europe at football stadiums. Secondly, the infrared heating system of the tribunes, which can increase the temperature in a bowl of the stadium at 12-14 degrees, compared with the temperature outside of the bowl, which will provide greater comfort attending games in cold weather. Donbass Arena is proud of the natural football field of high quality. One of its features is that beneath the surface of the lawn there is a system of drainage, irrigation, heating and flora.

According to the plan of the stadium, in non-gaming days in the boxes and premises of arena there are provided to carry out mass shows and business events. Events occurring on the field, are simultaneously broadcast two LED screens with area of 92 square meters.

The stadium suits as the arena for the finals of the Champions League and European League.

The Customer of the building - the owner of the stadium of FC Shakhtar

General designer - Company “ArupSport”

General Contractor - ENKA Construction

Commissioning - August 29, 2009

Тэги: architectur, donetsk, travel, ukraine


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