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Адрес блога: http://en-ukraine-travel.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

Architecture of Lviv (Lvov)

2012-03-23 07:10:00 (читать в оригинале)

Theatre of Opera and  ballet in LvivIf you have traveled to Lviv once you will never forget the beauty of this city, the kindness of its people and special atmosphere of this city. The uniqueness of Lviv is due to its architecture. Lviv's historic churches, buildings and relics date from the 13th century. In recent centuries, it was spared some of the invasions and wars that destroyed other Ukrainian cities. Architecture of Lviv reflects various European styles and periods.
After two fires in 16th century Lviv lost most of its gothic-style buildings, but it retains many buildings inrenaissancebaroque, and classic styles. There are works by artists of the Vienna Secession, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco styles.
Streets of LvivThe buildings have many stone sculptures and carvings, particularly on large doors, hundreds of years old. The remains of old churches dot the central cityscape. Some three- to five-storey buildings have hidden inner courtyards and grottoes in various states of repair. Leaving the central area, the architectural style changes radically as Soviet-era high-rise blocks dominate. In the centre, the Soviet era is reflected mainly in a few modern-style national monuments and sculptures.
In the 1360 not far from city marketplace was establishedRoman-Catholic cathedral the building of it was headed by Peter Shteher. This wonderful cathedral with a great chancel delivered from austere and sample gothic forms which are usual to European gothic style. St. George's Cathedral and Armenian church also were built in XIV century. St. George's Cathedral was not preserved till our times and in XVIII century on its place was arranged a new building of the cathedral.
During the last centuries new elements of architecture was added to the Armenian church and now it has become a real masterpiece of Lviv architecture. A lot of castles of different age and architecture are located in Lvivskaya region. Among the most popular are Castle in Stare Selo,Lviv. Dominic cathedralCastle in Brody, Castle in Zhovkla, Castle in Zolochiv, Castle in Podkamin, Oleskiy castle and many others.
Today Lviv is wonderful cultural centre of Western Ukraine with about 1million inhabitants. The special atmosphere of the city is made not only by the architecture of Lviv but also its citizens who are very hospitable and kind.

Тэги: architectur, lviv, travel, ukraine


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