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Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

Black House in Lviv

2012-03-23 07:08:00 (читать в оригинале)

Black House (Black Kamenica) is located in Lviv, at Market Square, 4. The building is the architectural monument of the XVI-XVII centuries and has no analogues not only in Lviv, but also throughout Europe.

The building of Black House was erected in 1577 by architect P. Krasowski and bore the imprint of a living Renaissance architecture (some sources indicate 1588 as the date of commencement of construction, and P. Barbone and P. Rimlianin as the architects). In 1596, Black House becomes the private property of Jan Lorentsovich, who opens one of the first pharmacies in Lviv here. Thanks to him, there appears the third floor in the building; the fourth floor had being completed in 1884 on the site of the attic.

In the years 1675-1677 Black House was decorated with attic. On the facade of the building there appears the sculpture. This idea belonged to the architect M. Gradovsky. Now the facade combines the features of Italian and Polish Renaissance.

The facade of the Black Kamenica is paved with stone blocks, shaped like a diamond. It was adorned with ornaments and beautiful carved scene;Black House in Lvivthere are the figures of saints on it - patrons of Medicine: St. Florian, St. Martin and Madonna. The corner pilasters and the facade are covered with hewn stone, blackened by time. Due to this phenomenon, the house got such a name, and a few years ago it was painted black.

The interior of the building was not Black Kamenicaparticularly exposed to reconstruction: there preserved columns, covered with relief ornament, ceiling with cross beams, wide window sills and the original design of the entrance to the chapel.

In 1926, the building of the Black House was redeemed by the city, and in 1929 there was opened a branch of the Historical Museum.

Тэги: architectur, lviv, travel, ukraine


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