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Адрес блога: http://en-ukraine-travel.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

National Philharmonic in Kiev

2012-03-21 04:44:00 (читать в оригинале)

National PhilharmonicNational Philharmonic of Ukraine is located in the capital, city-hero of Kiev. Initially the National Philharmonic was located in Kharkov, the former capital of Ukraine. After the proclamation of Kiev as the capital of the State, Philharmonic moved to this city, where it is situated now.
The first Philharmonic concert season was held in 1863 with the foundation of the Kiev Branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society. During these years the cultural life in Ukraine actively developed: wealthy people supported the development of musical life in Kiev and did not spare the funds for its existence. In 1881 there started the construction of the building for the Music Society, which became very popular among citizens: there were held balls, masquerades, literary and musical evenings.
National Philharmonic of UkraineIn the XX century the National Philharmonic experienced the tragic fate: the First and Second World Wars, Civil War, a change of government - all this affected the development of the Philharmonic. And if the First World War and the Civil War could not stop the musical life of the capital, so during the Great Patriotic War the Philharmonic temporarily stopped the performances, because Kiev was occupied by German fascist invaders. But after the war, it continued to develop: at first it received the dilapidated building on Khreshchatyk Street and in the late 80's - the newly restored building of the State Philharmonic, which was awarded the title of the historical monument.
In the 50th of the XX century, a huge contribution to the development Philharmonic was contributed by Lysenko, a brilliant composer, statesman, founder of Ukrainian professional musical culture.
In the 90th years there began the complete restoration of the Hall of Columns named by Lysenko, which ended in 1996. The hall was equipped with additional lighting and the latest technical equipment.National Philharmonic. Ukraine
Since then, the Philharmonic continues to actively develop, there are held the performances of world famous stars, music, concerts, symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra. Under the patronage of Philharmonic there are constantly held various competitions and festivals, it takes part in international exhibitions, conferences, artistic records.

Тэги: kiev, travel, ukraine


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