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Добавлен: 2012-04-21 21:40:02

A Kidnapped Santa Claus (Part 5)

2012-04-19 22:30:41 (читать в оригинале)

So the very next day, while Santa Claus was busily at work, surrounded by his little band of assistants, the Daemon of Selfishness came to him and said: "These toys are wonderfully bright and pretty. Why do you not keep them for yourself? It's a pity to give them to those noisy boys and fretful girls, who break and destroy them so quickly." "Nonsense!" cried the old graybeard, his bright eyes twinkling merrily as he turned toward the tempting Daemon.

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A Kidnapped Santa Claus (Part 4)

2012-04-19 22:12:59 (читать в оригинале)

"For my part," said the Daemon of Repentance,"it is easily seen that if children do not visit your caves they have no need to visit mine; so that I am quite as neglected as you are." "And all because of this person they call Santa Claus!" exclaimed the Daemon of Envy. "He is simply ruining our business, and something must be done at once." To this they readily agreed; but what to do was another and more difficult matter to settle.

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A Kidnapped Santa Claus (Part 3)

2012-04-19 21:38:04 (читать в оригинале)

Well, these Daemons of the Caves, thinking they had great cause of dislike old Santa Claus, held a meeting one day to discuss the matter. "I'm really getting lonesome," said the Daemon of Selfishness. "For Santa Claus distributes so many pretty Christmas gifts to all the children that they become happy and generous, through his example, and keep away from my cave." "I'm having the same trouble," rejoined the Daemon of Envy.

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Do you want to marry me? (Ты хочешь выйти за меня замуж?)

2012-04-18 20:53:26 (читать в оригинале)

- Peter. Show us how she goes. She's yours. - She's beautiful. - Peter thinks she's not suitable for a lady. - She's just horse I would've chosen for myself. - I know. - How do you know? - Remember last spring at Lyonesse, when you joined your father and me on the hunt? You were fearless. - My father's word was "reckless." - Yes, well, he was always sparing with his praise. Come. So much space, we could almost be alone.

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A matter of chance (Дело случая)

2012-04-18 20:01:58 (читать в оригинале)

- Come. Well done. Had you ever run the gauntlet before? - No, never. - So how did you do it? - It's not hard to know where danger is if you watch it coming. - Well, others have found it hard enough. You're the first one to do it. - Perhaps fear made them go back when they should have gone forward. - And you felt no fear? - No. I have nothing to lose, so, what have I to fear? - No home, family? - No.

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