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Адрес блога: http://getdefault.com
Добавлен: 2012-05-04 17:11:03 блограйдером getdefault

Amputation in fiction: The Lost Symbol

2012-04-11 02:06:07 (читать в оригинале)

Dan Brown is one of the greatest literature discoveries in the recent years. His most famous book is Angels & Demons, which led him to international stardom. Much of the book criticism is based on Dan Brown not being the first one: a number of guys raised the same topic of religious symbolism before Brown, [...]

Socially acceptable prosthesis: hair additions

2012-04-05 04:08:00 (читать в оригинале)

Every time I came along adds for cut-off hair purchase or natural hair extension services, I feel nausea. This is so sick! Having other people’s dead body parts decaying on you? No thank you. Having a toupee is understandable for bald people, who want to get default. However, this practice seems so acceptable, that even [...]

Celebrities missing fingers: Waqar Younis

2012-04-04 01:31:40 (читать в оригинале)

Another sportsman, missing a finger. Waqar Younis Maitla, cricket fast bowler. If you don’t know what cricket is, don’t worry: it’s a mix between golf and baseball, involving tennis balls passing through gates. And Waqar Younis is damn good at throwing those small balls with style. He is even hailed as King of Reverse Swing. [...]

Month Three: The shape

2012-04-03 00:53:03 (читать в оригинале)

Two months has passed since the thumb tip amputation. The nail is slowly growing back. The sensation in the thumb is still burning hot on every touch. The doctors say these are nerves growing back and adapting to the new shape. The shape is what bothers me most for now. Besides missing a good chunk, [...]

Ultimate contraception: Young girl breasts amputation

2012-04-02 02:26:14 (читать в оригинале)

Apart from female circumcision, young girls suffer another mutilation: breast ironing. The procedure includes stick beating up 10-12 y.o. daughters breasts and burning them with heated stones. And the poor child is tortured by her own mother. Breast ironing is practices by at least two hundred tribes in Cameroon. Unlike genital mutilation, this time the [...]

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