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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://science.my1.ru/load/
Добавлен: 2012-05-09 18:40:31 блограйдером Yura36

The problems of corruption

2012-05-21 19:32:46 (читать в оригинале)

One shouldn't underestimate the possible potential professional community in the fight with all sorts of abuse and fraud, which in turn are a breeding ground for corruption. This is due to the fact that employees of accounting services, not only have the most complete information on the financial operations of organizations, but also have knowledge of the existence of financial, accounting and tax legislation. It is recognized that one of the most significant barriers to economic growth and development is corruption. And it should be noted that there are countries where this phenomenon would be absent. However, in Russia today, according to some sources, the amount of bribe exceeds the budget.

Features of knowledge economy in the current conditions

2012-05-21 19:30:16 (читать в оригинале)

The object of research is the knowledge economy as the type of economy in which production and implementation of knowledge and innovation play a crucial role in ensuring long-term sustainable development.

Formation of competitiveness of the person in the market economy

2012-05-21 19:28:22 (читать в оригинале)

With changes in the economy, Russia's entry into the European and world educational space requires new approaches to education policy. In recent years the requirements for specialists by employers significantly changed. If you were previously demanded highly specialized skills, but now need specialists possessing a wide range of professional activities, the use of computer programs capable of possessing knowledge of the economy is ready to change character and content of the work.

Передача прав требования выгодоприобретателя в имущественном страховании

2012-05-21 19:26:53 (читать в оригинале)

Страхование в настоящее время развивается быстрыми темпами. Возрастает роль имущественного страхования. С развитием данной отрасли возникает необходимость в совершенствовании законодательной базы и четком определении функций и ролей участников, в том числе и выгодоприобретателей.

Оценка стратегического положения и выбор стратегии торговой организации

2012-05-21 19:26:18 (читать в оригинале)

В данной работе рассматривается проблема оценки стратегического положения и выбор стратегии для торгового оптово-розничного предприятия "МЕДИЦИНА+", занимающегося продажей спецодежды.

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