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Добавлен: 2012-05-23 20:21:38 блограйдером Yura36

The problems of corruption

2012-05-22 00:19:22 (читать в оригинале)

One shouldn't underestimate the possible potential professional community in the fight with all sorts of abuse and fraud, which in turn are a breeding ground for corruption. This is due to the fact that employees of accounting services, not only have the most complete information on the financial operations of organizations, but also have knowledge of the existence of financial, accounting and tax legislation. It is recognized that one of the most significant barriers to economic growth and development is corruption. And it should be noted that there are countries where this phenomenon would be absent. However, in Russia today, according to some sources, the amount of bribe exceeds the budget.

Тэги: ya.ru:text, наука, экономический


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