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Добавлен: 2012-06-08 21:20:48 блограйдером anryks

Ifrane – European Style Ski Resort You Wouldn’t Believe Exist in Africa

2016-02-09 10:06:05 (читать в оригинале)

To most of us, Africa is normally believed to be a hot, desert-style land with giraffes, elephants and lions. It would never cross our minds that there is a place on that continent, just near the Sahara Desert, where the snows are deep enough to ski in and the lush waterfalls do find themselves frozen in

‘Clubbers App to Ibiza’ Helps Party-Goers Discover the Best in White Isle Fun

2016-02-01 16:44:42 (читать в оригинале)

When we think clubbing and island life together, there is only one place that really comes to mind: Ibiza. Known to the world’s youthful population as the most fun one can have up till down with your clothes on, the island of Ibiza offers some of the best destinations to visit that one can hope

Transfer in Alps – Helps You to Travel in Comfort in the French Alps

2015-07-11 21:04:41 (читать в оригинале)

Transfer in Alps understands that you’ve chosen to vacation in Geneva and the French Alps to relax, unwind, and hit the slopes for unforgettable skiing. This company offers clients reliable and comfortable transportation services to the region’s ski resorts, to help ensure your vacation surpasses your dreams. The timely and efficient transportation provided by Transfer

5 Ways to Lessen the Tedium on Long-Haul Flights

2015-05-23 22:46:13 (читать в оригинале)

Laura Maddison from Avanti Travelcare talks about ways to pass the time faster on a long-haul flight. It’s easy to think we might just spend overly long flights asleep, but there is so much activity on a plane all the time, even at night – not to mention flight announcements over the loudspeaker – and

In Your Twenties? Here’s Why You Should Travel to Southeast Asia. Now!

2014-11-22 15:45:12 (читать в оригинале)

When choosing a holiday destination, it’s hard to go wrong. Our world is chock full of fascinating, stunning, and exciting destinations, but if you’re in the twenties era of your life, Southeast Asia should be topping your list of adventures to have. There’s a whole slew of reasons why ranging from the incredibly rich culture,

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