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Angloberry.com - UK News
Angloberry.com - UK News
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Адрес блога: http://angloberry.com/ukinfobuzz/news/all
Добавлен: 2012-06-08 21:20:48 блограйдером anryks

Most Brits not proud of their jobs

2012-08-09 15:21:11 (читать в оригинале)

Only two fifths of Brits are proud to work for their company, according to new research, as employee engagement plummets amid the economic gloom.

New map shows Yorkshire is the number one spot in UK for turning out highest number of top British athletes

2012-08-09 15:12:53 (читать в оригинале)

The map features five golden postboxes that have been painted in honour of gold medal winners Jessica Ennis, Alistair Brownlee, Ed Clancy, Katherine Copeland and Andy Triggs Hodge - all from Yorkshire

Half of Brits have been paid cash in hand

2012-08-08 23:16:08 (читать в оригинале)

Half of the population has been paid cash in hand – despite it being condemned as "immoral" by a Treasury minister.

Olympics victory parade in London on September 10

2012-08-08 23:06:15 (читать в оригинале)

London is to salute Team GB's heroes with an emotional open-topped bus victory parade which could break all records on a wave of Olympic euphoria.

Today at the Olympics – Day 12

2012-08-08 22:56:54 (читать в оригинале)

DON'T MISS If you haven't seen Ireland's Katie Taylor box, do yourself a favour and watch her lightweight semi-final against Mavzuna Chorieva of Tajikistan. Taylor demolished highly-rated Briton Natas

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