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Angloberry.com - UK News
Angloberry.com - UK News
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Адрес блога: http://angloberry.com/ukinfobuzz/news/all
Добавлен: 2012-06-08 21:20:48 блограйдером anryks

London hosts Maslenitsa Russian Festival

2012-02-20 13:04:29 (читать в оригинале)

The Maslenitsa Festival is an old and very popular Russian folk festival, which takes place across London from 19 – 26 Februaary 2012.

British Sausage Week starts today

2011-11-02 01:15:15 (читать в оригинале)

British Sausage Week 2011, a whole week devoted to celebrating the classic British banger, starts today, on the 31st of October. Sausages were nicknamed “bangers” during the Second

National Youth Theatre to welcome athletes to London 2012

2011-10-18 23:54:53 (читать в оригинале)

Athletes competing at the London 2012 Games next summer will be welcomed to the Athletes’ Village by a performance from the National Youth Theatre.

Real-time bus information now available anytime and anywhere

2011-10-18 23:11:23 (читать в оригинале)

Londoners never need to run for a bus again from today, with the introduction of a new up-to-the-minute bus information service that can be accessed online, on a smart phone, and via text message and new improved Countdown signs at bus stops.

London shopping centre orders energy-producing kinetic paving slabs

2011-10-05 08:06:39 (читать в оригинале)

Westfield Stratford City Shopping Centre in London is the first place in the UK to place a commercial order for the award winning Pavegen, which uses kinetic energy to turn footsteps into electricity.

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