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ZZE.ST - inspiration & lifehacks to make life better
ZZE.ST - inspiration & lifehacks to make life better
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://zze.st
Добавлен: 2012-08-07 18:31:26 блограйдером kodskidki

Best free podcasts (aka “internet radio”)

2012-07-26 17:57:53 (читать в оригинале)

Best free podcasts: music, self development, business, news. Internet radio. Video and audio podcasts. Download podcasts. Iphone, Android. You might also like:
  1. How to get Ivy league education online for free: the best internet resources and video courses for distance learning
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  3. How to win any negotiation: summary of “Getting to Yes” by William Ury

About Ashtanga Yoga

2012-07-08 03:09:54 (читать в оригинале)

For 2 years, since the time I discovered it, I wanted to blog about Ashtanga Yoga. Finally, I found the time.  I was interested in yoga before this and even tried to practice different types once in a while, but only after finding this particular one I started regular practice. Ashtanga was popularized on the […]

About Ashtanga Yoga

2012-07-08 03:09:54 (читать в оригинале)

For 2 years, since the time I discovered it, I wanted to blog about Ashtanga Yoga. Finally, I found the time.  I was interested in yoga before this and even tried to practice different types once in a while, but only after finding this particular one I started regular practice. Ashtanga was popularized on the [...] No similar posts.

Random thoughts: The Invisible

2012-07-07 23:54:00 (читать в оригинале)

I have been returning to one thought a lot recently. It seems to me that one of the most undervalued congnitive skills is the ability to see the invisible. I know , it sounds abstract and vague, but in fact it is a very simple and concrete idea. Here are several examples. © When we […]

Random thoughts: The Invisible

2012-07-07 23:54:00 (читать в оригинале)

I have been returning to one thought a lot recently. It seems to me that one of the most undervalued congnitive skills is the ability to see the invisible. I know , it sounds abstract and vague, but in fact it is a very simple and concrete idea. Here are several examples. © When we [...] No similar posts.

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