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Добавлен: 2012-08-09 15:48:48

Graphical vi-vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial

2012-07-09 10:13:10 (читать в оригинале)

Vi-Editor-Guide-2Learning vi or vim is not easy. But it doesn't have to be that difficult, either. It is, in any case, faster, more powerful, and more productive than editing with any other editor, so you would do very well in investing the time and effort to learn it.

Being a vi lover myself, I came up with the idea of providing a graphical cheat sheet for those learning vi or vim, and I also found out it was a very good way to structure a tutorial. Here are the results for your learning enjoyment (or your colleagues').

By the way, I recently published the definitive article explaining why vi/vim editing is so much better than regular editing. It should prove useful if you want to read it yourself, or if you want to point your skeptical friends to a description of why it makes sense, apart from being an entertaining read: Why, oh why, do those #?@! nutheads use vi?.

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Тэги: console, editor, linux, vim


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