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Barn Yarn

2013-03-28 14:30:39 (читать в оригинале)

03:00 28.03.2013
Barn Yarn
Barn Yarn

From the creators of Gardenscapes comes a unique mix of hidden object and simulation gameplay featuring two of your favorite characters! Reunite with Joe and Tom to help them repair an old barn purchased from a neighbor and prepare for a harsh winter. Hold sales of old things found around the house and purchase everything you might need to turn the ramshackle barn into a cozy and warm winter home for the farm animals. This special Collector's Edition of the game comes with additional rooms to scour for hidden items, 12 more accessories for the barn, desktop wallpapers, concept art and a downloadable soundtrack!

read more at Games on Games Bounty


Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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