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The King's League: Odyssey

2013-04-27 23:57:00 (читать в оригинале)

11:24 26.04.2013
The King's League: Odyssey
The King's League: Odyssey Like its predecessor, The League: Odyssey offers a tiny army for your battling needs. An attempted murder on the King has led to the death of Whitney, the Royal Knight. In search of a worthy person to take up the role as a Kurestal Knight, a new league is announced. Fight your way from the humble Hamlet Tourney till the League for a seat at the Kurestal Round Table. With more classes, quests and unique features, The League: Odyssey promises an upgraded league experience. Sieges can be launched to conquer more territories, but beware you might be attacked too. Units have been given a shiny new look, and new unique characters are up for grabs. For those who enjoy the extra bonuses from questing, a few interesting factions are offering quests this time around. So wait no more, put on that armor and sign up for the league right this instant!
Mouse only.

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Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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