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Between the Worlds Special Edition Bundle

2013-05-10 10:22:58 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 09.05.2013
Between the Worlds Special Edition Bundle
Between the Worlds Special Edition Bundle

What happens when you bundle two amazing hidden object puzzle adventure games together in one pack? TONS OF FUN! Play through two adventures that take you to a world full of magic and machines! Between the Worlds II: The Pyramid, and Between the Worlds III: The Heart of the World are both amazing hidden object games that appear the same on the outside, but are very different in all the right places! Two different, yet amazing stories told throughout the same universe will have you hooked from the very beginning!

In Between the Worlds II: The Pyramid you are on a hunt for a lost professor in a mysterious land. Find clues and follow the professor’s trail, ultimately uncovering his whereabouts and saving the day!

Between the Worlds III: The Heart of the World puts you back in the magical world of machines on the hunt for four scepters of the elements. The Heart of the World needs the scepters to produce magic, and while they are missing the world is falling apart! Return them, fix the Heart, and save the day!

read more at Games on Games Bounty


Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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