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Giants and Dwarves TD

2013-06-04 22:54:51 (читать в оригинале)

20:14 04.06.2013
Giants and Dwarves TD
Giants and Dwarves TD The kingdom is under the attack of huge devastating giants and relentless waves of enemies. Build multistoried towers to defend against the attack and take advantage of the environment by dropping boulders on the enemies or burning the hay on their path. Command your champion and cast powerful spells to destroy the invaders and lead your people to victory.
Mouse: - To scroll the view, place mouse cursor at the edges of the screen - Click the minimap to move the view around - Double click hero’s portrait to center the screen on hero. - To mute music, open in-game pause menu and set the music to off. Hot keys: - W,A,S,D or arrow keys for screen scrolling. - 1, 2, 3 to activate spells. - 4 for hero selection and move command. - 5 to activate hero’s ability. - E to start wave. - Escape to cancel move command, target selection, or spells. - Space bar to pause and un-pause game - B to open bestiary

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Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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