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Dreamscapes: The Sandman

2013-06-27 22:03:06 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 27.06.2013
Dreamscapes: The Sandman
Dreamscapes: The Sandman

Young Laura was well-protected from nightmares once her father gave her the Dreamcatcher. But after his sudden death, the Dreamcatcher disappeared and Laura slipped into a nightmare from which no one could awaken her. With the help of Professor Sanders and his machine, take a perilous journey into Laura's dreams to fight her fears, solve the riddles of her subconscious and find the clues to her redemption. Collect every piece of the lost Dreamcatcher and help Laura return to the real world when you play this breathtaking point-and-click adventure! This Collector's edition of Dreamscapes: The Sandman Collector's Edition contains 15 bonus locations, concept art, desktop wallpapers, screensavers and the original soundtrack.

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Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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