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Ripple Dot Zero

2013-06-30 05:18:45 (читать в оригинале)

04:21 30.06.2013
Ripple Dot Zero
Ripple Dot Zero Ripple Dot Zero is a classic action platformer heavily influenced by the aestethics of the 16-bit era of the early 90′s. The game features 20 Levels of running, bouncing, slashing and Gyro-Blade-throwing, set to the slick beats of an original soundtrack of pure fm-funk schmaltz. Even the sound effects where made with FM-synthesis to give the game that sharp sting of early 90′s gaming.
Use arrow keys and Control+Space (or Z and X). M-key will toggle mute P-key (or Esc) will show pause menu Controls are customizable from the main menu.

read more at Games on Games Bounty


Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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