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Age Of Enigma: The Secret Of The 6th Ghost

2013-07-18 17:45:47 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 18.07.2013
Age Of Enigma: The Secret Of The 6th Ghost
Age Of Enigma: The Secret Of The 6th Ghost

Enter the Age of Enigma and play Ashley Reeves, a remarkable young woman with great promise. Mysteriously summoned to the house you saw in your nightmare, you will encounter the dark and inscrutable Nathan and help the ghosts held captive there. Resolving challenging puzzles and venturing into the beyond, you'll discover your ability to see and interact with the supernatural. An important task has been entrusted to you and on its completion, you'll find out who you are... to the very depths of your soul!

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Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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