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Need A Hero

2013-07-19 01:47:42 (читать в оригинале)

01:21 19.07.2013
Need A Hero
Need A Hero Bob, the mouse, is scared and sad because the evil genius, Dr. Badd Cat has captured all his friends. Bob is the only one left, so now there is no other go but to be courageous and save his friends. He needs your guidance to complete his task. Use the arrow keys to move him. You will find different objects blocking his path, the heavier ones cannot be moved but Bob can push and move the lighter ones. He is rewarded when he saves a friend. It is very challenging to save all of his friends from Dr.Badd Cat and it cannot be helped to leave some of them behind. Finally make use of the catapult to get Bob out of the house.

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Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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