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Doctor Who. Episode Three: TARDIS

2013-07-25 18:49:57 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 25.07.2013
Doctor Who. Episode Three: TARDIS
Doctor Who. Episode Three: TARDIS

The TARDIS is stuck in a time riptide, and has ejected the Doctor into the void that surrounds it. Amy must rescue him before the TARDIS moves to the next location. Time is of the utmost importance, and it grows ever shorter. On her hunt for objects to rescue the Doctor, Amy accidently breaks an object that was holding a terrible creature. The evil entity emerges from the broken pieces, and is ready to feed!

Play as both Amy and the Doctor as you solve puzzles, gather objects, and find hidden secrets throughout the spacious confines of the TARDIS. The evil entity that was unleashed has latched onto Amy, and is feeding on her time! Help the Doctor expel this evil, and help restore Amy to her normal witty self! Fix the TARDIS, save the girl, and rid the world of evil…just another day for the good Doctor! Are you ready to help him on this adventure?

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Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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