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Добавлен: 2012-08-31 13:40:48 блограйдером gamesbounty

Dark Arcana: The Carnival

2013-08-07 11:23:21 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 06.08.2013
Dark Arcana: The Carnival
Dark Arcana: The Carnival

Take on the role of an intelligent detective tasked with solving the disappearance of a woman inside the walls of a carnival. As you delve deeper into the story you will discover that all is not as it seems! The carnival exists in another plane…full of evil beings ready to foil your plans! Wind your way through an amazing hidden object adventure game in Dark Arcana: The Carnival!

Reveal the story of star-crossed lovers and stop the Evil One from breaking its magical chains and invading our world. Use your hidden object skills, solve challenging puzzles, and shine a light on a mystery with a plot that twists more than the wicked carousel! You will make friends who can help you in your journey to solve the case, and save the day!

read more at Games on Games Bounty


Тэги: best, free, game, online, play


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