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Left in the Dark: No One on Board

2014-05-11 14:01:23 (читать в оригинале)

03:00 01.03.2014
Left in the Dark: No One on Board
Left in the Dark: No One on Board

Charlotte Austin is one of the greatest detectives alive. She has received a distress letter asking for her assistance in solving multiple missing persons on a ship lost at sea. The letter says the people simply vanished. Help Detective Austin as she goes on a crazy adventure to discover the truth behind the creepy disappearances and solve the mystery once and for all! This hidden object puzzle adventure is one for the ages…dive in today in Left in the Dark: No One on Board!

As Charlotte investigates, she discovers clippings from the local newspaper saying the ship is cursed….allegedly. The suspense is thick in the air as she hunts for clues and finds hidden objects before boarding the ship and facing the real evil that lies beyond. Once aboard the dreary ship, Charlotte is confronted by an evil hook wielding hooded figure. Narrowly escaping his lethal blow, she continues her search for clues and answers. Will she uncover the truth? Find out today!

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Тэги: best, free, games, online, play


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