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Добавлен: 2012-08-31 13:40:48 блограйдером gamesbounty

Ethan: Meteor Hunter

2014-07-08 21:14:52 (читать в оригинале)

03:00 15.03.2014
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Ethan: Meteor Hunter

Ethan, an extremely adventurous rodent, is on a journey to collect pieces of a large meteor that smashed into the world. The search for the fragments is going to be an exciting and difficult adventure, but Ethan is more than equipped with his amazing telekinetic powers. He has the extraordinary ability to move large objects to help him navigate the world and the many puzzles that lie before him. Use the powers of your mind today in Ethan: Meteor Hunter!

Go on a rat sized adventure, navigating the tiny world of Ethan in search of the mysterious meteor. You have never played such an amazing platformer as this, with the completely unique telekinetic gameplay. Ethan can move even the largest and hardest to reach objects with his mind, allowing him to create ways to move forward on his journey. Dive into the tiny world of Ethan, and prepare for one of the most memorable adventures ever told!

read more at Games on Games Bounty


Тэги: best, free, games, online, play


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