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Questerium: Sinister Trinity

2014-08-21 14:15:13 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 15.05.2014
Questerium: Sinister Trinity
Questerium: Sinister Trinity

Three childhood friends have grown up and are performing important roles in their community: a professor, a mayor, and a banker. When a meteor falls near the city in which they are living, Professor Gustav discovers it's emanating an unknown energy, and begins a series of experiments without the mayor's permission. Financed by the banker, the professor builds an evil machine that causes the meteor's energy to spin out of control, destroying the city and mutating its plants and animals. The people of the town are evacuated, but the rescuers leave two children behind. In Questerium: Sinister Trinity, you play the investigator hired to destroy the evil machine, rescue the abandoned children, and arrest the professor!

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Тэги: best, free, games, online, play


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