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Into the Haze

2014-08-28 03:23:14 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 08.05.2014
Into the Haze
Into the Haze

Rescue a young girl from the clutches of an ancient demon! Guide the central character of Into the Haze through the mist of a hair-raising supernatural adventure, where she'll encounter an ancient fog demon summoned by her sister-in-law in a magic ritual gone wrong. Race to rescue's the heroine's daughter, Emily, before the demon claims her prize. Your powers of observation will need to be keen as you search for hidden objects, and your puzzle solving skills will need to be at their best as you crack dozens of brain-bending enigmas and complete mini-games unlike any you have played. With chilling atmosphere to spare, visuals that will draw you into each beautifully crafted scene, and music and audio effects that will have you turning on your lights if you dared to play in the dark, Into the Haze will provide an experience in horror you'll never forget.

read more at Games on Games Bounty


Тэги: best, free, games, online, play


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