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Alex Hunter: Lord of the Mind

2014-09-05 16:00:55 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 19.06.2014
Alex Hunter: Lord of the Mind
Alex Hunter: Lord of the Mind

Private investigator Alex Hunter thought the case of the missing professor would be an easy paycheck. But his investigation has proven to be anything but simple. What began as a routine open-and-shut affair quickly turned into a race to save a city from a madman who has invented a machine with which he can control the mind of every citizen. Set in a beautifully rendered and atmospheric game world, Alex Hunter challenges the player to guide the title character through a point-and-click mystery of surprising depth. As you locate hidden objects, solve puzzles, and open new locations, you'll untie the ingeniously knotted thread designed to keep you from accomplishing your goal: stopping the insanity before it spreads to every person within the lunatic's reach!

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Тэги: best, free, games, online, play


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