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Twilight City: Pursuit of Humanity

2014-11-18 18:33:19 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 19.07.2014
Twilight City: Pursuit of Humanity
Twilight City: Pursuit of Humanity

Be afraid of your wishes. "Why?" you will ask. "Because they come true" will answer you the one, who paid too much for his dream to become reality. Eternal youth, beauty and immortality — what else can two people in love dream of? To be together forever, today and for eternity. They were not ready to pay that much for their dream to come true. Now it's a curse: your love stayed in human body, when you yourself turned in to a monster thirsty for blood. Now you are a vampire trying to battle your natural instincts. Being close to your beloved became impossible and an eternal separation lies ahead. Only if... Do you remember uncle's stories about Twilight city, populated with vampires? In your search for your human being, you have to travel to Skylight, your new home.

First, as a newborn, you will have to fulfill minor orders of local chiefs, get a job, get a place to live, clean up mess on the cemeteries, looking for runaway skeletons, find necessary items for your new friends. Each new day brings new missions. With each new day, you open your real nature. Walk this difficult path in this battle with a monster living inside you. In the full version of the game, you will be able to enjoy the atmosphere of twilight kingdom, variety of missions and colorful graphics. Vampire community has never been so inviting and entrancing.

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Тэги: best, free, games, online, play


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