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Sky High Farm

2014-11-18 14:32:11 (читать в оригинале)

02:00 08.07.2014
Sky High Farm
Sky High Farm

Beautify the rooftops of the city with fertile gardens and sweet-smelling orchards! Create your own farm on the top of a skyscraper where you can plant vegetables, fruits, trees and more. Sow the seeds, water the crops, enrich the soil and reap the harvest! Start your little vegetable garden with three pots of carrots, and grow it into a flourishing business in this thrilling time management game!

Can city life and farm life co-exist with each other? You’re about to find out! It’s time to flex your green thumbs and start planting! Buy gardening units, plant seeds, and grow them into carrots, tomatoes, cabbages, cucumbers and more. Reap the harvest in time to earn a profit! Set up factories and produce your own eco-friendly juices, jams, sugar and other goods! Remember – the clock is ticking: the quicker you think and the more you plant, the more you earn!

read more at Games on Games Bounty


Тэги: best, free, games, online, play


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