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Адрес блога: http://ebooksru.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2012-09-07 21:29:51 блограйдером ebookstcovernet

Congrats to all the 2013 Bloggie Finalists and Winners!

2013-04-03 21:09:41 (читать в оригинале)

The 2013 Bloggie winners were announced on March 24, and we were excited to see eleven WordPress.com bloggers among the finalists and winners. Now in its 13th year, the Bloggie awards accept blog nominations for everything from Best Craft Weblog to Best-Kept Secret Weblog, winnowing down the nominees through rounds of voting until five finalists [...]

Freshly Pressed: Friday Faves

2013-03-08 20:50:18 (читать в оригинале)

You intrepid blogger-nauts are a talented bunch. Your eclectic range of writing styles and world-spanning knowledge create an overwhelming amount of awesome, diverse content. We’re proud to say that we’ve learned a lot from our Readers this week — everything from neuroscience to economics and beyond — and we hope you have too. Here’s a selection [...]

New Themes: Photographer, Superhero, and Sidekick

2013-03-07 20:47:31 (читать в оригинале)

We’re bringing you some action-packed fun on this Threeme Day! First up, we’re bringing you a gorgeous new premium theme from our friends at Organic Themes. Photographer features a beautifully minimal design with a focus on photography. It’s a professional portfolio and photo blogging solution for serious photographers and artists. The theme features the ability to [...]

Headed to SxSW this week? So are we — don’t be a stranger!

2013-03-06 20:00:14 (читать в оригинале)

South by Southwest Interactive kicks off this Friday, March 8, and you know Automattic will be there! Whether you need some help with your site, want to learn about the future of blogging, or just want to boogie down with a beer and some barbeque, we’ve got you covered — come say hello, because we’d [...]

WordPress.com Business: Get a professional website without a professional price tag

2013-03-05 20:00:51 (читать в оригинале)

Are you a small business owner who wants an interactive website with demo videos? A pro blogger who wants to try out a bunch of premium themes before committing? A non-profit building its first website, and in need of a little extra support? Say goodbye to sky-high web development costs and hello to WordPress.com Business. [...]

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