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English/Russian Interpreter in Ukraine
English/Russian Interpreter in Ukraine
Голосов: 0
Адрес блога: http://9services.kiev.ua
Добавлен: 2012-09-30 00:31:59

House with Chimeras in Kiev

2012-08-10 15:29:52 (читать в оригинале)

One of main and unussial Kiev Attraction- House with Chimeras -  is shrouded by mystery, and about this bulding you can hear lot of legends., mainly of course is just a fiction. However, the House with Chimeras really has a mystical past, but to learn the true story of the...

Crimea Photo Gallery

2012-08-09 16:53:13 (читать в оригинале)

Crimea is holiday land, where you can see different kind of views, from the sea coast to the mountains- all these wondefull sights of Crimea just breathtaking   Trips in Crimea

Apartments in Yalta

2012-08-07 18:32:12 (читать в оригинале)

A huge number of tourists visit the Crimea in different seasons, and often many people in finding Apartments in Crimea for rent. How to rent a house in the Crimea, and has not lost to the price of rent? and how fast to find an apartment or house in the...

Useful Phones in Yalta

2012-08-07 18:28:36 (читать в оригинале)

  international telephone code 8-10-38-0654 gorsprvka 32-79-Z8 Police 102, 32-22-50, 32-02-63 Search and rescue service 101, 32-87-15 Station water rescues 32-41-44, 32-38-22 Bus 34-20-65 trolley station 32-79-94 railway ticket office 32-43-47 Marine Station 32-75-35 quays local lines 32-56-22 Theatre. Chekhov 32-22-33 concert hall “Jubilee” 32-69-54 Marine Station 32-75-35 Yalta Reserve...

Lviv Pictures

2012-08-07 14:38:04 (читать в оригинале)

Lviv has own atmosphere and in this marvelous city impossible not to visit main Lviv attractions

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