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Animal cults of the ancient people
Animal cults of the ancient people
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://totem.mirgt.com
Добавлен: 2012-11-02 00:40:04 блограйдером Janer

Birds were the creators of all things in the views of the ancient people

2013-03-26 21:45:40 (читать в оригинале)

Many peoples, living at great distances from each other, believed that birds had been the creators of all things. With some it was birds as a class, while others, like Polynesians for instance, had a special mythical bird Taaroa who laid an egg from which the world emerged. Some peoples regarded the raven or the eagle [...]

Myths about what the world was created by bird

2013-02-28 23:02:26 (читать в оригинале)

Our distant ancestors were firmly convinced that men had descended from animals. To begin with they were quite content to have it so. Yet, as man's intellectual powers developed, he began to ask himself who animals had descended from. Who created all things that were? And naturally he arrived at the conclusion that the world [...]

Totemism today

2013-01-27 20:19:22 (читать в оригинале)

Be that as it may, there can be no doubt that primitive people considered the animals to be their "ancestors" and worshipped them. And if they killed an "ancestor" (and they had no choice but to kill them for they needed food) they did all they could think of to placate the spirit of the [...]

The essence of totemism

2012-12-29 22:14:50 (читать в оригинале)

CXE8PZBZ4WVM It is hard to say when this belief in animal-ancestors first originated. At any rate it could not be later — and perhaps it was much earlier-than the time when primitive artists painted animals on the rock walls of their caves. Ancient people believed that they were descended from animals. Each tribe had his own [...]


2012-11-30 13:24:41 (читать в оригинале)

The hunter walked over to the bear lying prostrate on the ground and sat down beside it. The hard and dangerous hunt was over, and, what was more, over were the strenuous preparations for it. For, before starting on a bear hunt, the Indians fasted for many days, and on the eve of the hunt [...]

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