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BlogRider.ru - Каталог блогов Рунета
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Добавлен: 2012-11-19 23:43:03 блограйдером 1234zz

One Theme, Three Ways: Customizing Coraline

2013-08-19 20:00:53 (читать в оригинале)

There are more than 200 themes to choose from in the Theme Showcase: themes with sleek magazine-style front pages (like Oxygen and Watson), static business and profile sites (like Forefront and Profile), and portfolio designs (like Gridspace). Within this mix are free themes that act as blank canvases for your …

Introducing WordPress.com Connect

2013-08-13 20:48:09 (читать в оригинале)

Today, we’re announcing a new feature for developers called WordPress.com Connect, a secure and easy way for millions of WordPress.com users to log in to your website or app. For WordPress.com users Using the same log-in credentials you use for WordPress.com, you’ll now be able to sign in to third …

Freshly Pressed Friday Faves

2013-06-21 19:59:35 (читать в оригинале)

Here in North America, it’s late spring and the plants are in a rush — growing visibly each day in a bid to soak up every rain drop and sunbeam before fall forces summer to flee. We feel we should document every moment with a camera — to capture it before that beauty fades for […]

Save the Date: WordCamp San Francisco

2013-04-16 01:47:43 (читать в оригинале)

The dates are set, the call for speakers is open, and the website is up: WordCamp San Francisco returns this July 26-27 (with Contribute Day — formerly known as “Hack Day” — on the 28th)! WordCamp San Francisco was the first-ever WordCamp and is the official, annual WordPress conference. It’s a great place to come meet [...]

A Look at Photographers with Portfolios

2013-03-26 19:01:06 (читать в оригинале)

If you missed Michelle’s announcement about the launch of WordPress.com/portfolios, or Cheri’s  round-up of WP.com Painters with Portfolios, you might still be in the dark about the range of portfolio themes we have on offer for visual artists and bloggers. Today I want to take a look at a small handful of the hundreds of amazing photographers using WordPress.com, and the [...]

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