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Добавлен: 2013-01-25 17:13:34 блограйдером gdp08

What Research About Resources Can Teach You

2015-03-18 07:33:23 (читать в оригинале)

Finding the Best Gay Tours in Cuba What most citizens do is to tell others that their country is a great place to visit but when you hear someone that Cuba is one place that you shouldn’t miss then you can trust this statement. Cuba is one country which values the natural resources as well … Continue reading What Research About Resources Can Teach You

Fountain “Amphitrite” in Lviv

2015-02-09 19:38:25 (читать в оригинале)

Fountain “Amphitrite” – a fountain, located at Market Square in Lviv, Ukraine. The fountain was installed in 1793. The author is a sculptor Gram Witwer. It was built in the Empire style – the style of the late (high) classicism in architecture and applied art. According to Greek mythology, Amphitrite – the daughter of the … Continue reading Fountain “Amphitrite” in Lviv

The Church of John the Baptist

2015-02-09 19:38:01 (читать в оригинале)

hurch of St. John the Baptist is located in one of the most historic area of ​​the city, it is located on the Old Market Square. The church was built for the wife of Prince Lev Constance in 1250. According to legend, after her death, she was buried in the cave temple. Church itself is … Continue reading The Church of John the Baptist

Basilian Monastery of the Nativity

2015-02-09 19:37:40 (читать в оригинале)

One of the main decorations of the city is the Basilian monastery Zholkva, or it is also called the Monastery of the Nativity. This complex was built in 1612 on the site where previously housed the Basilian wooden church, made in the style of the Renaissance. The building of the monastery was defensive in nature. … Continue reading Basilian Monastery of the Nativity

Catholic church and convent of the Carmelites

2015-02-09 19:37:19 (читать в оригинале)

This church and monastery built in the street Vinnichenko, at different times was called variously and seminars, and Archbishop and the Church of the Presentation, etc. Founded a monastery Jakub Sobieski. The church was built in the XVII century, following the example of the Roman church of Santa Susanna, made by the architect Carlo Maderno.Project … Continue reading Catholic church and convent of the Carmelites

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