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Qualitative comparison of bremsstrahlung X-rays and 800 MeV protons for tomography of urania fuel pellets

2013-02-15 22:29:00 (читать в оригинале)

We present an assessment of x-rays and proton tomography as tools for studying the time dependence of the development of damage in fuel rods. We also show data taken with existing facilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory that support this assessment. Data on surrogate fuel rods have been taken u ... [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 023902 (2013)] published Mon Feb 11, 2013. (Source: Review of Scientific Instruments)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Have a look at these lab coats, made from 100% cotton they are wrinkle free and protected with Dupont Teflon. blue sky scrubs have re-invented the white coat.

Pediatrician schedule: Manchester, CT 56,388
Pediatrician schedule: Mansfield, CT 25,268
Pediatrician schedule: Marlborough, CT 6,359
Pediatrician schedule: Meriden, CT 59,186
Pediatrician schedule: Middlebury, CT 7,394
Pediatrician schedule: Middletown, CT 48,383
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 56,424
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 54,640
Pediatrician schedule: Monroe, CT 19,435
Pediatrician schedule: Montville, CT 19,910
Pediatrician schedule: Naugatuck 32,019
Pediatrician schedule: New Britain, CT 70,548
Pediatrician schedule: New Canaan 20,000
Pediatrician schedule: New Fairfield 14,099
Pediatrician schedule: New Hartford, CT 6,763
Pediatrician schedule: New Haven, CT 123,330
Pediatrician schedule: New London, CT 26,184
Pediatrician schedule: New Milford, CT 6,844
Pediatrician schedule: Newington, CT 29,841
Pediatrician schedule: North Branford 14,387
Pediatrician schedule: North Haven, CT 23,555
Pediatrician schedule: Norwalk, CT 83,802
Pediatrician schedule: Norwich, CT 36,639
Pediatrician schedule: Oakville, CT 8,893
Pediatrician schedule: Old Lyme 7,402
Pediatrician schedule: Old Saybrook 10,545
Pediatrician schedule: Orange, CT 13,531
Pediatrician schedule: Oxford, CT 12,890
Pediatrician schedule: Plainfield, CT 15,442
Pediatrician schedule: Plainville, CT 17,284
Pediatrician schedule: Plymouth, CT 12,014
Pediatrician schedule: Prospect, CT 9,494
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam District 7,207
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam, CT 9,307
Pediatrician schedule: Redding, CT 8,836
Pediatrician schedule: Ridgefield, CT 7,249
Pediatrician schedule: Rockville, CT 8,346

Does Empiric Therapy for Atypical Pathogens Improve Outcomes for Patients with CAP?
Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography at 82 keV
Microscopy of the umbilical cord of rock cavies—Kerodon rupestris Wied, 1820 (Rodenta, Caviidae)
Contributions of a specialty clinic for children and adolescents with Down syndrome
Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis in children: A clinical and immunohistochemical comparative study with adult patients
Improved Understanding Of The Molecular Machinery Of Cancer
What Faculty Interviews
Reveal about Meaningful Learning in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory
Aging ebbs the flow of thought: Adult age differences in mind wandering, executive control, and self-evaluation - McVay JC, Meier ME, Touron DR, Kane MJ.
Biomechanical insights into the aetiology of infraspinatus syndrome
Osteopontin gene polymorphisms as predictors for the efficacy of interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C Egyptian patients with genotype 4

A microstructural study of gallbladder stones using scanning electron microscopy

2013-02-15 22:29:00 (читать в оригинале)

Conclusion: Different types of gallbladder stones had characteristic shapes and elements. This study provides an objective basis for further research regarding gallbladder stone formation. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Source: Microscopy Research and Technique)

Pediatrician schedule: Manchester, CT 56,388
Pediatrician schedule: Mansfield, CT 25,268
Pediatrician schedule: Marlborough, CT 6,359
Pediatrician schedule: Meriden, CT 59,186
Pediatrician schedule: Middlebury, CT 7,394
Pediatrician schedule: Middletown, CT 48,383
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 56,424
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 54,640
Pediatrician schedule: Monroe, CT 19,435
Pediatrician schedule: Montville, CT 19,910
Pediatrician schedule: Naugatuck 32,019
Pediatrician schedule: New Britain, CT 70,548
Pediatrician schedule: New Canaan 20,000
Pediatrician schedule: New Fairfield 14,099
Pediatrician schedule: New Hartford, CT 6,763
Pediatrician schedule: New Haven, CT 123,330
Pediatrician schedule: New London, CT 26,184
Pediatrician schedule: New Milford, CT 6,844
Pediatrician schedule: Newington, CT 29,841
Pediatrician schedule: North Branford 14,387
Pediatrician schedule: North Haven, CT 23,555
Pediatrician schedule: Norwalk, CT 83,802
Pediatrician schedule: Norwich, CT 36,639
Pediatrician schedule: Oakville, CT 8,893
Pediatrician schedule: Old Lyme 7,402
Pediatrician schedule: Old Saybrook 10,545
Pediatrician schedule: Orange, CT 13,531
Pediatrician schedule: Oxford, CT 12,890
Pediatrician schedule: Plainfield, CT 15,442
Pediatrician schedule: Plainville, CT 17,284
Pediatrician schedule: Plymouth, CT 12,014
Pediatrician schedule: Prospect, CT 9,494
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam District 7,207
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam, CT 9,307
Pediatrician schedule: Redding, CT 8,836
Pediatrician schedule: Ridgefield, CT 7,249
Pediatrician schedule: Rockville, CT 8,346

Rapid testing for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Implications for antimicrobial stewardship.
Is this the new smoking? An expert panel review of the York University OHV health benefits study
What Faculty Interviews
Reveal about Meaningful Learning in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory
Chronic fatigue syndrome 5 years after giardiasis: differential diagnoses, characteristics and natural course
Intestinal microbiota in patients with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease
Osteopontin gene polymorphisms as predictors for the efficacy of interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C Egyptian patients with genotype 4
Co-ingestion of carbohydrate and whey protein isolates enhance PGC-1alpha mRNA expression: a randomised, single blind, cross over study
Microscopy of the umbilical cord of rock cavies—Kerodon rupestris Wied, 1820 (Rodenta, Caviidae)
Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography at 82 keV
Two‐dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance structure determination module for introductory biochemistry: synthesis and structural characterization of lyso‐glycerophospholipids

Differences in Acute Response to Alcohol Between African Americans and European Americans

2013-02-15 22:29:00 (читать в оригинале)

ConclusionsWe found differences in response to alcohol across racial groups: African Americans showed a stronger response to alcohol. Future studies are needed to incorporate response to alcohol into a larger model of African American alcohol use. (Source: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research)

Pediatrician schedule: Manchester, CT 56,388
Pediatrician schedule: Mansfield, CT 25,268
Pediatrician schedule: Marlborough, CT 6,359
Pediatrician schedule: Meriden, CT 59,186
Pediatrician schedule: Middlebury, CT 7,394
Pediatrician schedule: Middletown, CT 48,383
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 56,424
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 54,640
Pediatrician schedule: Monroe, CT 19,435
Pediatrician schedule: Montville, CT 19,910
Pediatrician schedule: Naugatuck 32,019
Pediatrician schedule: New Britain, CT 70,548
Pediatrician schedule: New Canaan 20,000
Pediatrician schedule: New Fairfield 14,099
Pediatrician schedule: New Hartford, CT 6,763
Pediatrician schedule: New Haven, CT 123,330
Pediatrician schedule: New London, CT 26,184
Pediatrician schedule: New Milford, CT 6,844
Pediatrician schedule: Newington, CT 29,841
Pediatrician schedule: North Branford 14,387
Pediatrician schedule: North Haven, CT 23,555
Pediatrician schedule: Norwalk, CT 83,802
Pediatrician schedule: Norwich, CT 36,639
Pediatrician schedule: Oakville, CT 8,893
Pediatrician schedule: Old Lyme 7,402
Pediatrician schedule: Old Saybrook 10,545
Pediatrician schedule: Orange, CT 13,531
Pediatrician schedule: Oxford, CT 12,890
Pediatrician schedule: Plainfield, CT 15,442
Pediatrician schedule: Plainville, CT 17,284
Pediatrician schedule: Plymouth, CT 12,014
Pediatrician schedule: Prospect, CT 9,494
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam District 7,207
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam, CT 9,307
Pediatrician schedule: Redding, CT 8,836
Pediatrician schedule: Ridgefield, CT 7,249
Pediatrician schedule: Rockville, CT 8,346

The effect of sleep‐specific brain activity versus reduced stimulus interference on declarative memory consolidation
Two‐dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance structure determination module for introductory biochemistry: synthesis and structural characterization of lyso‐glycerophospholipids
Transposing from the Laboratory to the Classroom to Generate Authentic Research Experiences for Undergraduates [Genetics Education]
Biomechanical insights into the aetiology of infraspinatus syndrome
Analysis of Compound Weighing Precision in Drug Discovery
Improved Understanding Of The Molecular Machinery Of Cancer
Contributions of a specialty clinic for children and adolescents with Down syndrome
Intestinal microbiota in patients with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease
A one‐step DNA sequencing strategy to HLA type hematopoietic stem cell donors at recruitment – rethinking typing strategies
Optimized protocol for cryopreservation of human eggs improves developmental competence and implantation of resulting embryos

Dengue epidemiology in Thanjavur and Trichy district, Tamilnadu - Jan 2011-Dec 2011

2013-02-15 22:29:00 (читать в оригинале)

Conclusion: In developing countries like India, building of laboratory with advanced capacity for diagnosis and combat-mode ready preparedness for the management of Dengue cases in emergency situation may reduce Dengue-related mortality. (Source: Indian Journal of Medical Sciences)

Pediatrician schedule: Manchester, CT 56,388
Pediatrician schedule: Mansfield, CT 25,268
Pediatrician schedule: Marlborough, CT 6,359
Pediatrician schedule: Meriden, CT 59,186
Pediatrician schedule: Middlebury, CT 7,394
Pediatrician schedule: Middletown, CT 48,383
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 56,424
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 54,640
Pediatrician schedule: Monroe, CT 19,435
Pediatrician schedule: Montville, CT 19,910
Pediatrician schedule: Naugatuck 32,019
Pediatrician schedule: New Britain, CT 70,548
Pediatrician schedule: New Canaan 20,000
Pediatrician schedule: New Fairfield 14,099
Pediatrician schedule: New Hartford, CT 6,763
Pediatrician schedule: New Haven, CT 123,330
Pediatrician schedule: New London, CT 26,184
Pediatrician schedule: New Milford, CT 6,844
Pediatrician schedule: Newington, CT 29,841
Pediatrician schedule: North Branford 14,387
Pediatrician schedule: North Haven, CT 23,555
Pediatrician schedule: Norwalk, CT 83,802
Pediatrician schedule: Norwich, CT 36,639
Pediatrician schedule: Oakville, CT 8,893
Pediatrician schedule: Old Lyme 7,402
Pediatrician schedule: Old Saybrook 10,545
Pediatrician schedule: Orange, CT 13,531
Pediatrician schedule: Oxford, CT 12,890
Pediatrician schedule: Plainfield, CT 15,442
Pediatrician schedule: Plainville, CT 17,284
Pediatrician schedule: Plymouth, CT 12,014
Pediatrician schedule: Prospect, CT 9,494
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam District 7,207
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam, CT 9,307
Pediatrician schedule: Redding, CT 8,836
Pediatrician schedule: Ridgefield, CT 7,249
Pediatrician schedule: Rockville, CT 8,346

Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis in children: A clinical and immunohistochemical comparative study with adult patients
Improved Understanding Of The Molecular Machinery Of Cancer
Building a biochemistry lab on a chip
[Report] Gravity Field of the Moon from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Mission
Scripps Physicians Call for Shift in how Clinical Pathology Laboratories Process Cancer Tissue Samples
Rapid testing for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Implications for antimicrobial stewardship.
Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography at 82 keV
Two‐dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance structure determination module for introductory biochemistry: synthesis and structural characterization of lyso‐glycerophospholipids
The effect of sleep‐specific brain activity versus reduced stimulus interference on declarative memory consolidation
Aging ebbs the flow of thought: Adult age differences in mind wandering, executive control, and self-evaluation - McVay JC, Meier ME, Touron DR, Kane MJ.

Key Protein Revealed As Trigger For Stem Cell Development

2013-02-15 22:29:00 (читать в оригинале)

A natural trigger that enables stem cells to become any cell-type in the body has been discovered by scientists. Researchers have identified a protein that kick-starts the process by which stem cells can develop into different cells in the body, for instance liver or brain cells. Their discovery could help scientists improve techniques enabling them to turn stem cells into other cell types in the laboratory. These could then be used to test drugs or help create therapies for degenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and liver disease... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)

Pediatrician schedule: Manchester, CT 56,388
Pediatrician schedule: Mansfield, CT 25,268
Pediatrician schedule: Marlborough, CT 6,359
Pediatrician schedule: Meriden, CT 59,186
Pediatrician schedule: Middlebury, CT 7,394
Pediatrician schedule: Middletown, CT 48,383
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 56,424
Pediatrician schedule: Milford, CT 54,640
Pediatrician schedule: Monroe, CT 19,435
Pediatrician schedule: Montville, CT 19,910
Pediatrician schedule: Naugatuck 32,019
Pediatrician schedule: New Britain, CT 70,548
Pediatrician schedule: New Canaan 20,000
Pediatrician schedule: New Fairfield 14,099
Pediatrician schedule: New Hartford, CT 6,763
Pediatrician schedule: New Haven, CT 123,330
Pediatrician schedule: New London, CT 26,184
Pediatrician schedule: New Milford, CT 6,844
Pediatrician schedule: Newington, CT 29,841
Pediatrician schedule: North Branford 14,387
Pediatrician schedule: North Haven, CT 23,555
Pediatrician schedule: Norwalk, CT 83,802
Pediatrician schedule: Norwich, CT 36,639
Pediatrician schedule: Oakville, CT 8,893
Pediatrician schedule: Old Lyme 7,402
Pediatrician schedule: Old Saybrook 10,545
Pediatrician schedule: Orange, CT 13,531
Pediatrician schedule: Oxford, CT 12,890
Pediatrician schedule: Plainfield, CT 15,442
Pediatrician schedule: Plainville, CT 17,284
Pediatrician schedule: Plymouth, CT 12,014
Pediatrician schedule: Prospect, CT 9,494
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam District 7,207
Pediatrician schedule: Putnam, CT 9,307
Pediatrician schedule: Redding, CT 8,836
Pediatrician schedule: Ridgefield, CT 7,249
Pediatrician schedule: Rockville, CT 8,346

Differences in Acute Response to Alcohol Between African Americans and European Americans
Building a biochemistry lab on a chip
Contributions of a specialty clinic for children and adolescents with Down syndrome
Transposing from the Laboratory to the Classroom to Generate Authentic Research Experiences for Undergraduates [Genetics Education]
Intestinal microbiota in patients with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease
Laboratory-based surveillance in the molecular era: the TYPENED model, a joint data-sharing platform for clinical and public health laboratories.
Asteroid to pass closer than TV satellites
Excellent lectures giving introduction to medical toxicology
Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope for hard X-ray imaging of fast ignition experiments
Rapid testing for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Implications for antimicrobial stewardship.

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